Best Way to Promote Your Website

Have you created website and need to promote? These are essential method to do initially better than invest in any online tools.

Tell your friends

One of the best ways to inform your friends about your online home is by word of mouth. Include your URL in the e-mail signature file that goes with your mail. Most e-mail clients and Web-based e-mail services such as Yahoo! & Google and Hotmail allow you to create signature files that go with your e-mail. Add your URL and every time you mail someone you will be informing the recipient about your site at absolutely no cost.

Meta tags to mobilize your site

Meta tags are HTML tags that carry descriptions about your site. Keywords that search engines look for are usually placed inside the Meta tag of a Web page. To analyze whether your Meta tags are useful, visit, enter your URL in the space provided and click on the ‘Check Metas’ button. The Meta tags in your site are analyzed and results are displayed.
Use the site’s Meta tag builder tool to build better tags that will rank you higher in search engines. Given below are examples of how the Meta tags can be used:
Keyword Meta tag:
Description Meta tag:

Image indexing

It’s not only title and Meta tags that help you get indexed on search engines. Some search engines use the image tag’s ALT attribute to index and rank pages. The attribute shows a tool-tip kind of text when you hover the mouse over the image. This descriptive text can help you get listed in search engines that use this feature for indexing and ranking. Of course, this does not work across all search engines, but you could definitely give it a try.

Get linked

Most traffic to your site would be directed from links that people click at other Web sites. So you need to build your online network and get listed on other sites that could provide a link to your page. You can exchange links with other people by visiting or Link exchange involves something called reciprocal links. This means that you need to list a particular site in order to get yourself listed on that site. While choosing a link exchange site, choose one that pertains to your content.

Check your stats

Check your stats and other log details regularly so that you can watch which pages are visited the most and which aren’t. This will help you figure out which are the popular sections of your site and you can start providing more of the relevant content to your visitors.

Don’t do’s to promote your site

· Say no to spam: If you start mass mailing frequently, you can be sure that your site will soon be ignored.
· Submit right: There aren’t more than 30 to 40 effective search engines. So don’t waste money on sites that offer to get you listed in 500 search engines. Use auto-submitters and then make manual submissions to directories that interest you and are relevant to the content of your Web page.
· Perfection gentlemen: Do not host an incomplete site. If there are dead links or ‘under construction’ pages, visitors may not return. Complete the site in all respects and then upload it.
· Play it safe: There are a lot of sneaky tricks available on the Internet that claim to increase your Web traffic. Do not fall for any of those. Use normal Meta tags and description tags as suggested earlier in this section.
· Don’t stop if you are finished: Site promotion is an on-going process and is never to be stopped. Once URL submissions are made to search engines, make sure that they are working. Check again after a month or as frequently as possible and resubmit URLs if required. Check on services such as link exchanges and banner ads. Keep updating your pages regularly with newer content and that will keep your site alive and the visitors coming in.

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